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Re: Warm Fuzzies

Tomorrow some friends are bring their kids out to the farm again for the
latest installment of 'Jack rides'.  One little boy has been doing this a
couple of times a years for about four years.

The reiner front of my SportsSaddle is great for this because it gives the
kids something to hold onto.  I always walk Jack in a halter so that he
cannot be inadvertently hurt if a kid grabs the reins or if I fall on my

We started out walking around the paddock.  The last time they came, we went
to the ring, and I walked Jack over ground poles.  The young riders were

Jack and I seldom come across young children on the trail, but we try to be
friendly ambassadors for the horse community when we meet up with hikers and
bicyclists.  And so far, Jack hasn't freaked at fishing poles.


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