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RC: Metabolic/Lameness Part 1

Barb Peck
Barb Peck

RE: The hoof wall over the edge of the shoe:

How long have the shoes been on? And are the hooves
pretty round, rather than bell or oval shaped?

My farrier has the shoes about 1/8" wider than the hoof from
the quarters back when they're new.
  This is to support the foot, as the hoof can grow 
over the shoe on some horses and is especially noticable
at the heels if this is the case (but the shoe should still
look like its on the foot correctly.)

Although on other horses, the foot just get's longer, and the heels tend to under-run or start to crush.

If the shoe actually slid off to one side, it should look
skewed on the foot, and that could cause some problems.


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