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Re: Re: Help Needed With Animals Rescued in Fires
Hi Michelle: My check was in the mail today. Come on everybody - just
imagine if it was your horse - those New Mexico horses need our help -
Jan Mutchler
Littleton, CO
-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Fink <michrowe@frontier.net>
To: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 2:30 PM
Subject: RC: Re: Help Needed With Animals Rescued in Fires
>Please consider donating time or $$ if you can. $10 will feed a horse
>decent hay for a week, and if 1000 of us can do it, we can make a very big
>impact. I donated 200 lbs of dogfood this weekend, I will stick a check in
>the mail for this effort today. Is anyone with me on this??
>Info on the horse rescue effort:
>Info on where you can donate:
>"over 130 horses are already at the rodeo grounds and need care, food
and --
>over the next week, will need transportation to the state fairgrounds in
>and other places. foster homes will be needed for horses over the next few
>days and weeks..., after their owners have identified them."
>(excerpted from the rescue effort article)
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