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Mechanics of gaits WAS: A picture is worth
We break up what gait the horse travels at because of
the change of terrain around here. Ask Doyle or Steph
how rocky the Old Dominion trails are!!!
Generally speaking, I chose the speed & I let the
horse choose the gait at which to accomplish that
speed. There are times when I over-ride his judgement
& say trot or walk over rough terrain.
In general, we walk where we HAVE to, trot where we
can get away with it, and hand gallop where it is
possible. Switching gaits allows the horse to use
different muscles and not become so fatigues.
Back in the early 80's, we were told that trotting was
the only sensible way to cover ground. As my mare
became more fatigued at the trot, she INSISTED on
cantering or galloping to use different muscles. Now
I recognize that we should have been changing all
along. I was actually doing her a disservice.
The canter/hand gallop can be an enerergy-conserving
gait since the horses abdominal contents shift as they
move through the gait. These contents serve to help
move the diaphragm for easier breathing. Listen to a
horse when you ride at a gallop some time. Most
horses will breath in time to their stride.
For that matter, many horses begin to breath in time
with the posting diagonal at the trot. If I change
diagonals by sitting a beat, it <really> bothers
Rocket's rhythm for breathing. If I stand a beat, he
holds his breath for an added instant and then resumes
inhaling on the upward portion of the post. My other
horses have learned this as well once they had some
mileage under their belts (girths?).
Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
Bruceton Mills, WV
--- Bette Lamore <woa@stormnet.com> wrote:
> I still am
> confused, though, do most
> endurance riders trot or canter for most of the
> ride?
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