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Fwd: RC: Re: Warner Springs and rude riders

In a message dated 1/11/00 6:20:24 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< sponging illegally from water troughs or natural 
 springs (when it's not allowed). >>

Yeha - my 12 year old daughter Audrey (who apparently has better manners and 
common sense than some adults) tossed apples in the DRINKING water at one of 
the vets checks, tellin me that "THAT way, people will KNOW which ones NOT to 
sponge out of". I didn't want to spoil her great attitude by telling her than 
most people who do this already know and don't care. So if one dumkaupft gets 
the message and stops fouling the drinking water for others, well, toss those 
apples in!

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Or just do what I do, get a digital camera and take lots of pictures.  I've 
gotten tons of pics of people doing things they shouldn't be 
doing.....cutting trail, sponging illegally from water troughs or natural 
springs (when it's not allowed)....the list goes on......mostly it's just 
funny to laugh at because most of the time the rudest people are the most 
well known and it's surprising to see them doing those things.


At 11:44 PM 1/10/00 -0800, GESA BRINKS wrote:
>Donna,  you should have said something right then and there.  Not after you
>stewed on it for a couple of days.  Its over.  Get 'em next time.  Everyone
>screws up sometime or another.  Next time carry a long whip and smack 'em
>when they do it.  (not the horse , the rider) That oughta get their
>attention.  We have all been in that situation at some time or another.
>Good luck on your next ride.  Maybe we'll get to see ya there.
>gesa n clovis

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