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Paso adventures

I have a tired pony tonight.  Of course, I am tired too!!!!!  A couple of 
friends and I trailered out to Osceola National Forest today to ride for a 
few hours.  It was a pleasant ride, about three total hours, mostly walking 
or slow corto/jogging.  A little bit of cantering.  Definatly not more than 
any of our guys could handle.  About 2 1/2 hours out, my friends gelding 
stepped on a rock and came up slightly lame.  Nothing major, just a little 
stone bruise.  So we walked back to the trailer.  While at the trailer, my 
other friend turned around to grab a water bucket when her horse managed to 
step through his reins, freak himself out, rear, and flip himself over.  Then 
the reins mercifully broke.  He's fine, nice rope burn on his leg, but 
nothing residual.  To top all this off, we went to get in the truck for 
drinks, when we noticed the keys were missing.  We normally clip truck keys 
to our belts, and tuck them in our pocket.  Somewhere out riding, the clip 
had broken.  Oh oh....   Nancy's husband had cleaned the horse trailer last, 
and of course taken out the spare.  oh oh again.  By now my horse is cooled 
off, dried and munching hay.  So, I saddle back up and backtrack to find the 
lost keys.    We rode for about 5 miles before I found them (thank 

Needless to say, the little Paso is tired tonight.  His 3 hour ride turned 
into a 4 1/2 hour ride.  I think he gets tomorrow off........  I was very 
impressed with how he did though, not the least bit off, drinking like a fish 
whenever possible, not the least bit stressed.  Just considerably slowed down 
by the time I got off the second time.  Maybe I'll have an endurance Paso 

Talk about adventures in riding...

Juli (my sunburn is impressive!)
Alpine (oh thank god, I'm home.....feed me now!)

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