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Three Issues at AR
Heather Watson watson1@gv.net
I don't normally make a habit of posting so much on Ridecamp, and
I fear I am becoming addicted to this thread (I can't stop
monitoring), so this will be my last comment (I hope). To be
quite honest, this public forum and its power intimidates
me, especially when threads go off on tangents. I'd like
to say a couple of things, and hopefully not offend anyone or
their points of view in the process, though I know that's not
possible <grins>.
There are at least three issues here: one is that the congress people (or appropriate powers that be should be contacted to
see about how to change a rule for a particular park. It can be
done civilly and respectfully through the proper channels.
Takes cooperation, tolerance, and patience on all sides.
The second issue is that people should rightfully complain to
the park supervisor (not the one on duty that night, but his boss) so that the actions of the individual rangers can be
evaluated and addressed for possible over zealousness.
I really hope people don't just focus on the behaviors of
individual rangers and miss the bigger picture. When I saw what
was happening, I had a feeling that the ranger's actions would
not have been endorsed by his supervisors. I was there, I
didn't like what I saw, but I realize that it is fixable,
especially after reading about Mr. Williams and his apparent
willingness to discuss the matter. I'm pretty sure he knows
by now that there are conflict resolution training issues for
some of his staff. Which is why I posted about their behavior
in the first place. Its not what I have normally experienced
with the Park Service, and hopefully it will be remedied in the
The third issue seems to have been addressed in part, which is Ride Management not informing participants in advance (they
said at the ride meeting that they knew by Monday of the previous
week of the requirements for camping). There is debate about
whether or not they knew as long ago as 2 to 6 years ago,
but since I don't have solid evidence, I don't feel
comfortable going there. Barbara McCrary posted already, so
she is aware of the problem and is researching the situation--which is GREAT.
Thanks for your time.
-Heather (still waiting to see if a ticket comes in the mail)
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