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Posting ride entry list-pulls

I don't mind at all having my name published. Every one I know will already 
know how I did anyway and everybody at the ride too. I don't go and hide in 
a corner when something unexpected happens. And I am sorry, but I cant 
remember what my rider number was for the ride I did last week let alone 
remember over a month later. I am just too busy to make a large research 
project of checking my ride results. I remember my placing, who finished 
right around me, how my friends did, or why who was pulled including myself 
and unfortunately thats all my brain has room for. It is important that 
results are published correctly an honest lameness should be reported as 
such. Thats ok, shoes come off, horses stumble and hit rocks. But trying to 
explain a pull for lameness when you were OT makes you sound like you are 
trying to hide something. The ability to check your records without a fee is 
a fantastic step forward. Participation in this sport means that you are 
willing to work hard, train hard, put yourself and your horse at some risk, 
and basically be strong enough to participate. Signing up to go takes a 
little courage, and having your name published for attempting to achieve 
your goals should give you some honor. The only Ski Jumper I remember was 
the guy who was lousy at it but kept trying and trying till he could do it. 
We honor his courage and stamina more than the guys who won. Is Endurance 
any different? The people who abuse our sport are few and generally don't 
last long and we all know who they are anyway. So don't punish the rest of 
us. V

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