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Re: [Enduranceriders] NEED HELP
How about conflict of interest? No, on second thought that subject has
already been bandied about. I have an idea, how about Directors at Large
who live more than 1/2 the year outside of the US? Seems like that would
be a good, current, and non confrontational article. You could ask how
someone could be elected to represent the US AERC Membership at large and
not be in contact with them for months at a time I don't know anyone who
would get upset with an article bringing this to the attention of the
membership and maybe the membership needs to think about who they elect
to represent them.
Shalom Alechem (sic)
On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 23:58:46 EDT merryben@aol.com writes:
> I have to write my VP message for the EN by tomorrow and I have not
> started.
> I can't think of a topic. I need suggestions. Anything but LD and
> the pull
> code topic. I have no strong opinions about the pull code and think
> everything I have read so far that people have written has a point.
> Send me
> topics....mb
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