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Re: RC: Re: Fwd: RC: Fwd: Karahty bloodlines - proven performance
At 08:33 PM 4/21/00 -0700, Karen S wrote:
I have learned to turn and run away from
anything that has been trained according to "Parelli"methods.
I could say the same thing about John Lyons trainers too. But ...
just because someone was trained by someone (or was traiined by some
video tapes!) doesn't make that person as good as the teacher. Lots
of people call themselves "John Lyons trainers" or
"Parelli trainers" but in fact an awful lot of these people
aren't certified by Lyons or Parelli or whoever their guru is. We
have sent a bunch of our horses to a *certified* Parelli trainer and we
are more than pleased with the results and we know someone else who calls
herself a Parelli trainer (but isn't certified) that I wouldn't let
within 10 yards of my horses. So there you go.
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