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Re: PR or Penalty

I've waited for someone else to answer this, but since no one has.....
A gate-into-hold check is should be set up so when the rider calls for a check the ride time stops (the hold time starts) and if the horse does in fact meet criteria, then these are the numbers that are written on the rider card (or piece of paper).
We run our ride (and most of the rides in Central Region are run this way) where there is a corral for official P/R's. Your ride time does not stop until you cross into this area. If you are in a large group and the entire group calls all at the same time the ride time stops for that group as the first rider walks into the Pulse Corral. The pulse takers can then pulse the horses in a random order.
As for penalties, this is entirely up to the ride management. There are no rules that state you have to have penalties. We have held rides that had no penalties and have held rides that imposed a ten minute penalty if your horse didn't meet criteria upon presentation. No complaints on either method. The penalty makes the rider check the pulse closer - a good thing IMHO.
Linda Parrish (timer at most TERA rides)
Kennard, Texas
-----Original Message-----
From: Teresa Van Hove <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Monday, April 10, 2000 11:34 PM
Subject: RC: PR or Penalty

>Well I was hoping someone would remember the
>exact details - my recollection is that for
>an official p/r check the time is the time
>the rider requests the check and for a
>courtesy the time is after the pulse is
>verified as down, and for an official check
>there is supposed to be the "2 to 10 minute"
>penalty if the horse is not actually down just
>as Steve Shaw decribed in his earlier post.
>Many rides have an informal penalty for not
>being down at a courtesy check in that the
>P/R people will move on and check other horses
>waiting before coming back to you if your horse
>is not down and that is just as it should be, but
>I have had to request an official check to pull a
>p/r person away from a horse that isn't down yet.

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