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Re: RC: PR or Penalty

Okay...I think I am thoroughly confused here.  
At our local rides, when you come into a vet check, there are volunteers who take the horse's pulse.  If they aren't down, they say,"you're horse isn't down yet, walk him around or get him some water and bring him back" (they say it very nicely too, I might add)
And when the horse does come down, the volunteer says,"time" and the timer says what time it is and the volunteer writes it on the riders piece of paper (not their card, a little piece of paper).  Then, the volunteer writes what time the horse came in, what time his pulse came down and when he can leave. When the rider leaves, he/she gives his/her little piece of paper to the out timer who writes down the "actual time out". 
you don't even have to know how to take your horse's pulse.  I would think that most people do seems like you'd be lost if you didn't know how to take your horse's pulse.  
-Renee :-) 

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