FW: Re: Re: head tossing
Hey Angie,
Maybe you should get that warehouse together for the endurance tack swap.
Sounds like saddles aren't the only thing people would like to swap. I own
too many bits that I don't use, and have ones I want to try, but I am tired
of spending the money on things that end up not working.
Shelly, what didn't the horses like about the S hackamore??
Jennifer Layman - Northern Cal (Just had to buy my umpteenth girth as none
that I owned worked with my new SR saddle... girth's anyone??)
-----Original Message-----
From: TddWil@aol.com [mailto:TddWil@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 4:16 PM
To: mmieske@netonecom.net; ridecamp@endurance.net
Subject: RC: Re: Re: head tossing
My horse hated the S hackamore and my friend's horse I'm riding now didn't
think much of it either. Maybe switch back to what you were using and see
what happens.
Shelly in DE
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