Re: Re: head tossing
How about this? Any ideas anyone? Our stallion has started a "new"
thing...I'm not sure if it's legit or a "let's get Maggie going" thing.
It's not really head tossing either. He will stretch his neck out then up
until his head is almost straight up...nowhere near me or in any way going
to hurt me but annoying as hell. He will do this sometimes standing or
walking but not at other times. I have tried to figure out "when" he does
this and cannot find any correlation with that and what is happening when
he does it!! Should a reprimand him (I have been) or is it something he
"needs" to do for comfort or performance??? I feel silly asking about this
but it has me pretty puzzled. Oh, by the way, he will do it with or
without a martingale (like I said, I have been trying to figure out what
this is about). Also, I have been using a Little S Arabian hackamore on
him for the past few weeks....would that have something to do with it?
Thanks for any thoughts on this! (BTW, I have lately been learning the
meaning of "dropping like a rock"....his recoveries only keep getting
better and better. I can't wait for ride season!!!!).
Maggie Mieske
Mieske's Silver Lining
10601 S. Richards Rd.
McBain, Michigan 49657
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