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Re: vitamin supplement

Yes Renee, it would be a wise move to supplement her.  As for the salt
blocks.  The minerals in the blocks are NOT chelated ( not bioavailable to
her system).  The minerals that she happens to take in from the block will
just pee right out.  A horse that "eats" the mineral salt blocks and
urinates like a broken dam is needing minerals.  His body recognizes the
minerals in the salt block and the horses natural instincts kick in and tell
him "you need these minerals".  The salt is probably not as necessary as the
minerals at the time, but, licking the salt is the only way to get to the
minerals.  Thus the horse drinks more water and pees more.  A nasty cycle.
It is better to use the plain white salt blocks or best yet a loose chelated
mineral salt.  ABC and Dynamite vits both have a really good source of
natural trace mineral salts and a trace mineral free feed supplement.  Check
them out.  They are WAY better for Serenade than a mineral salt block.  A
lot of feed stuffs, including hay, are vitamin deficient nowadays.  It
doesnt hurt to supplement her diet with a good vit/min additive.  When she
exercises she uses up a wide variety of vits and mins and they should be
replaced on a regular basis.
    Just MHO   gesa n clovis n sky
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2000 9:46 PM
Subject: RC: vitamin supplement

>Okay, my horse has a salt block....the red one that has all sorts of
>in it.  She is on a small pasture that is...well, sort the process
>going bald....picture a 40 year old man.  There is still some hair, but it
>isn't as thick as it used to be....okay, I'm wandering off the topic here..
>I feed her alfalfa and  the only time she gets any sort of grain is when I
>ride her.  And it is just so she can have a little "extra" something.  Her
>treat is usually no more than a cottage cheese container (the short one) of
>She is a very healthy 6 year old horse...and her coat is nice and shiny (as
>shiny as possible when she is always coated with a thin layer of dust)  So,
>guess my question of the day is....should I be feeding her a vitamin
>supplement??? Her farrier (and former owner) says she has good feet (she
>better have great feet if her old owner was a farrier!!!!)....And I always
>thought that if there was something missing in their diet, their feet might
>start to look...well....not so hot.
>Okay...have at it....I'm ready....let 'er rip
>thanks a million, billion, trillion, kazillion
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