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vitamin supplement
Okay, my horse has a salt block....the red one that has all sorts of minerals
in it. She is on a small pasture that is...well, sort of...in the process of
going bald....picture a 40 year old man. There is still some hair, but it
isn't as thick as it used to be....okay, I'm wandering off the topic here..
I feed her alfalfa and the only time she gets any sort of grain is when I
ride her. And it is just so she can have a little "extra" something. Her
treat is usually no more than a cottage cheese container (the short one) of
She is a very healthy 6 year old horse...and her coat is nice and shiny (as
shiny as possible when she is always coated with a thin layer of dust) So, I
guess my question of the day is....should I be feeding her a vitamin
supplement??? Her farrier (and former owner) says she has good feet (she
better have great feet if her old owner was a farrier!!!!)....And I always
thought that if there was something missing in their diet, their feet might
start to look...well....not so hot.
Okay...have at it....I'm ready....let 'er rip
thanks a million, billion, trillion, kazillion
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