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[Fwd: RC: Re: HRM most used features?] schrieb:

> > The neat thing is to get the computer interface and software for the memory
> watch and then you have a graph of the entire workout.
> ti

Hi Tom and others,

yes, this is really some great stuff. I use the Polar Accurex plus and the
interface for up to two years now. Before that I tried to keep track of all the
data and write them down - not easy after a whole day in the sun ;-). Now with
the computer you can have a look at your previous data, you can compare a
typical training-ride (IT, for example) with former ones to really see what you
feel - an improvement of your horse. You can also compare the actual fitness
with the fitness one year ago to have an idea if you are on the right way. On
rides where you are allowed to keep the saddle on the horse it is very
interesting to have the graph of the complete ride - or to see where trouble
came up.
If you like to see some graphs, please email me and I send you some screenshots.

Wolfgang + Ninja 11 (Hey dad, you know how fit I am, but how can I know of you?)

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