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Re: Re: And so it goes....
-----Original Message-----
From: John Bass <jbass@beattynv.com>
To: Eenergonzillen@aol.com <Eenergonzillen@aol.com>
Cc: ridecamp@endurance.net <ridecamp@endurance.net>
Dear John;
>> << What in the hell isn't illegal in California? >>
You have a point, BUT I'll tell you what IS illegal in CA that apparently is
just fine everywhere else...SMOKING IN PUBLIC PLACES! Having just returned
from Reno's AERC convention, I realized just how lucky I am to live in a
place where people cannot legally bother me with their second hand smoke!
I am just now getting over the sore throat and cough that I acquired from
just walking through the casinos. Every night I had to wash my hair before
I could even sleep, as the smoke stench was so horrible.
Yes, in spite of the darn liberal wacko laws that prevent personal freedom,
I am glad for that one!
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