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Re: Re: Re: Horse Savaging
Dear Gesa;
Exactly. I have a friend who had a huge dressage horse, wonderful
conformation, messed up brain. She had owned him for five or six years and
was in love with his potential, but he was dangerous. Not to people on the
ground, but under saddle he would just lose it without provocation. She was
married and had two small children, her husband wanted her to get rid of the
horse as he was afraid for her life.
After hearing her tell of yet another near-death experience, I asked her why
she was keeping the horse. I pointed out that after all these years if he
wasn't straightened out he never was going to be. She was a wonderful rider,
so it wasn't her fault. Better to look at this issue before she ended up in
a wheelchair or dead. She finally saw it, and sold the horse thru auction,
to go to the killers. But, someone bought him from the killers, and she got
a call from a woman months down the road, who was having the same problems
as she did. This woman bought killer horses and rehabed them, then resold
them to new homes. My friend told this person that the reason she sold the
horse is because he was dangerous and she didn't want to die. Don't know
what became of Vinnie after that.
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