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RE: Call the Vet

With my horse's corneal ulcer, it just popped out with a couple
of tablespoons of pus and was very scary.  I called the vet, he
told me to see to look with a flashlight or low angle sunlight
to see if I could see clear fluid in the eyeball before prescribing
a opthalmic antibiotic.  Since it was the weekend, I opted not to
have him come out to see my horse.  But I was glad that I called
him and got the proper pharmaceutical to treat him with.   Call the
vet FOR ADVICE, at least!


-----Original Message-----
From: vvarney []
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 5:42 AM
To: ridecamp
Subject: RC: 

**same ingredients as our triple antibiotic ointment except that the**
**eye stuff has more sulfate and also has hydrocortisone in it..**
Please be very careful of what you put in the eye. It must be sterile
and some eye ointments have ingredients other than just antibiotics that
can actually slow healing. (good for periodic opthalmia - very bad for a
scratched cornea). I have found that I have a very hard time seeing a
fresh scratch. Once they start to heal they look milky but at first,
without stain, I am never sure.
Hopefully one of the wise vets on this list will pop in here with a few
words of wisdom for all of us.
What can we use in an injured eye? What about that tube that is just a
little bit expired?  (is that like being a little bit pregnant?) How do
we know when we REALLY need to call the vet?
Thanks for bring this thread up Maggie.Something we all should know more
Vicki Varney
The snow is leaving New England -
Here comes the MUD!!!!!

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