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Re[2]: Easyboots - follow up
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. First, I didn't look too closely
at the boot before it went on or after it came off - so I'm not sure
what the metal teeth everyone is talking about are - or whether they
were flattened or not.
We were riding in good old Alabama red clay after a nice soaking rain
- so if that sucker was going to come off, it would have come off. I
was actually pretty impressed that it stayed on through mud that had
actually sucked Zane's shoe off (the first time he's *ever* lost a
shoe), thus the need for the easyboot.
It sounds like most people pry them off from the front. We were
trying to pop it off from the back - figuring the hardest part was
getting the heel strap up, so the first part in getting it off would
be getting the heel strap down.
The wire cable on the front was completely loose. Actually, that part
was too big for Zane, and it kept flipping up as we rode. The back
was cut out of the boot, but not as far down as I would have liked.
Can you cut the entire back out, just leaving the heel strap?
I should mention that this was a borrowed boot, and when I get the one
I've ordered I'll look at it a lot closer, and practice using it at
home. I'll certainly flatten any metal teeth I find. :)
Kenzie & Zane
Birmingham, AL
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