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Re: RC: Re: its a huntin season DOC!

Hey Angie!

 >Well, much as I love and respect my friend Maggie, I've gotta pipe in
 >here >and say she does not speak for ALL Michiganders . . . I'm a
 Let me see, a vegetarian...Wicca practicing...Yankee.  How perfect.  What
 do you put in your Witch's brew....Artichoke hearts?>

      ROFL . . . ah, actually no . . . more likely milk thistle and red 
clover (really, makes a wonderful tea . . .) or sometimes chamomile.  Angie, 
you crack me up!  What would ridecamp do without you?
      BTW, want me to turn Howard into a frog for ya? . . .<BEG>

Trish & pretty David
not in Tennessee, and probably a good thing, too . . .

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