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Re: RC: hill work and mud


I started my current horse very young, & I tried to be careful to check his 
legs before going out to ride for any heat or fill.  I would also check later 
the day, or the next morning.  Check the fetlock/rear cannons for stress to 
the tendons & ligaments and also the hocks (I did get a little fill in the 
hock after starting a bit of trotting --- I laid off for a week or so & 
resumed work at a slower pace & he was fine).
We walked for 9 months before adding any trotting (& then in very small 
increments).  I added trotting, walking on hardpacked dirt road and short 
stretches of paved road, in ever increasing increments (while checking legs  
before & after outings).  I took it very easy in the mud the first 2 yrs 
(youngsters seem to really want to avoid mud, but will learn to go thru it 
with experience).  AS he got stronger, about the 3rd winter, I started to 
trot thru the less deep mud.
So far, this horse has the cleanest legs of the 3 I've competed (after 1300 
miles).  I didn't keep a close eye on my 1st horse & put windpuffs on a 16 yr 
old that had had clean legs until I overdid it cantering in the winter mud & 
not paying attention like I do now!
Good luck --- the legs take the longest to condition (relative to the 
cardiovascular system),

Nancy (guess I'm an oldie, but still have a lot to learn! -- maybe I'm a 

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