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[Fwd: [FiberArtPacNW] Y2K Error in Windows Software]

Hi All,

This came through from another list to which I belong.  If you are using Windows, you might want to have a loook at this.  I  believe Macintosh is free from this problem with dates.


-------- Original Message --------

Subject:  [FiberArtPacNW] Y2K Error in Windows Software
Date:  Thu, 5 Aug 1999 22:13:45 -0700
From:  "by-the-seaDesign" <>
To:  <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>

Don't know if there's anything to this, but it's easy enough to address. I looked, and my computer was set up this way also.

I received this and  checked my computer and found it to be set
up to fail. I wonder why Microsoft set this default that way. I fixed mine
and I recommend you check and fix  your computers.
For those of you running Windows this is a fix for a small Y2K problem
Almost everyone should do...

After  running this quick little test, much to my surprise, I learned
that my  computer would have failed on 01-01-2000 due to a computer
clock glitch.  Fortunately, a quick fix is provided, should your
computer fail the  test.

Check the following:

Double click on "My Computer".
Double click on "Control Panel".
Double click on "Regional Settings" icon.
Click on the "Date" tab at the top of the  page.

Where it says, "Short Date  Sample", look and see if it shows a
"two digit" year. Of course it does.  That's the default setting for
Windows  95, Windows 98 and NT. This date RIGHT HERE is the  date
that feeds application software and  WILL NOT rollover in the year
2000. It  will roll over to 00.

Click  on the button across from "Short Date Style" and  select the option
that shows,  mm/dd/yyyy. (Be sure your selection has four Y's showing,not
two) Then click on  "Apply" and then click on "OK" at
the bottom.

Easy enough to fix. However, every single installation  of Windows
worldwide is defaulted to fail Y2K rollover.
Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and  associates.

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