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Re: Drugs

Let me clarify was late when I posted last night and I was
tired.  The doctor said to warn our fellow riders that in the case of an
injury, especially one that involves a possible head injury/concussion,
etc. that it is very unwise and dangerous to take a pain reliever that is
also a blood thinner as if there is bleeding in the brain, it could cause
uncontrollable bleeding.  Sorry if there was any confusion.  If any of you
take ibuprofen often enough (and I have in the past) and cut yourself, you
might notice that it does not seem to stop very quickly, even a little cut.
 I am diabetic and have to test my blood daily.  If I have been taking
ibuprofen, I bleed like a stuck hog! I am not saying you shouldn't take
ibuprofen.  I am saying be cautious what you are taking it for and be aware
of the risks.  The lady that I know about took it because she had a
headache after she first came off her horse before the ride started.  I
don't know if she had the bleeding then or later but the doctors did say
the ibuprofen contributed to the bleeding in her brain and made it
difficult to stop.  She had to be airlifted from a local hospital to
another facility better equipped to deal with her kind of injury.  I was
just sharing what I feel is valuable information.  Sorry for any
misunderstanding or confusion.

> From: Lynette Helgeson <>
> To: Maggie Mieske <>
> Cc: johnbright <>;
> Subject: Drugs
> Date: Tuesday, August 03, 1999 8:04 AM
> Was there any proof that the ibuprofen caused the bleeding that
> could
> not be stopped? Would she have bleed like that whether she had
> taken
> the ibuprofen or not? Did the doctors say, "if this women had
> not taken
> the ibuprofen for her headache, she would be just fine today."
> If one or two tablets could cause uncontrollable bleeding you
> would think
> that they would list that as a warning on the label. You would
> think that
> there would be people fighting to have it taken off the shelves,
> because
> their loves ones bled to death because of a pain remedy. I am
> sure that an 
> overdose could do this, but one tablet? Just questioning the
> logic here, not
> saying that anyone is wrong. :-)
> I know that one isolated incident is not going to keep me from
> using ibuprofen.
> Tylenol does nothing for me, but ibuprofen keeps me in the
> saddle, even though
> I have bad knees and arthritis.  
> Lynette
> Maggie Mieske wrote:
> > 
> > Don't take any pain reliever that might also be a blood thinner
> > aspirin, any others???) as if you are hurt or injured this could screw
> > your blood clotting abilities.  I know of a rider who came off her
> > warming up before a ride, had a headache, took some ibuprofen and was
> > later thrown from her horse after the halfway point... she had bleeding
> > her brain that could not be stopped and she was and still is in serious
> > trouble.  After some time in the hospital, she is now not able to ride
> > the next year... can't even go and sit in Ridecamp with fellow riders. 
> > have been passing around the word since it happened not to take any
> > that can thin your blood.  I think Tylenol is the pain reliever of
> > in this case.
> > Maggie
> >

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