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Clemson Symposium/Trail Growth

If you haven't checked out this summary of papers yet, please do so.  I
just scanned through the 69 pages and there is a wealth of information. 
 Here in Va we are experiencing trail growth and are at this moment
working on a camp design for and with our state parks.  Matter of fact
this Saturday I will be meeting with the head ranger of our newest state
park to look over the proposed camp site and make recommendations.  So
far they have about 20 miles of trail prepared at this location with
potential for more (1/2 of it is riverfront and gorgeous).  We are
The Regional Trails committee that I am on has helped bring nearly 150
miles of trail on board in the last year.   How did we do it???  We set
up a regional committee of state parks, state forestry, county planners,
riders and other interested folks.  We had a mission to promote trails
in these parks to riders (to increase tourism in very rural counties)
and everyone cooperated.  We have even released a very nice brochure for
this 10 county region and we serve as the prototype regional trails
committee for the Virginia Horse Council.  We are now in Phase 2 and
working to get camps in any of the facilities that have about 20 miles
or more of trail so that they can attract in more than just the local
riders.  We as a committee are very proud of what we have accomplished.
Needless to say these new trails are getting lots of local traffic.
I already have a site for a new ECTRA ride all picked out <grin>.  My
goal is to start it next year once some of the newer trails have packed
a little better.

Sally Aungier
Powhatan, VA

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