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Difficulty of rides

>>Angie - if the Million Pines ride has a low completion rate, then 
>>the course isn't so easy? 

I think there are several reasons for the MP low completion rate.  It's
one of the first rides of the Spring and some people goof off and don't
train all winter.  Also, it's very warm in South Georgia by April, but
horses from farther north still have lots of hair.  The heat is a BIG
factor.  Amazing that riders think to remove their coat, but forget to

Another reason is that riders who usually do 25's elsewhere decide to go
for the 50 at MP.  With flat rides, the same muscle groups do ALL the
work.  My horse would rather do Biltmore 100 than the Liberty.  I think
there's a lot to be said for varying the terrain a little.

Finally, and this may only effect a few, Million Pines gives the BEST TOP
10 AWARDS IN THE SOUTHEAST, I don't care how prestigious other rides are,
or how much more they charge for entries!  Without fail Wes has nice
jackets, or something comparable. (embroidered fleace vests this year). 
If you're running 12th, it might make you decide to push it a little.

Angie (who's very proud of her vest) 

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