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Re: RC: AERC Def of LD (was looking for a horse)

Makes sense to me...anything MORE than 35 is almost "real" endurance anyway.  LD
SHOULD stay shorter.

teddy wrote:

> In a message dated 6/17/99 7:28:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Didn't I read somewhere that the LD definition has been changed back to
> 25-49
>  miles?  I think this happened at Convention.... >>
> If I'm not wrong, the change will be back to 25-35 miles, to be made by
> amendment.  I'm not sure this has happened yet.  Check with Louise Riedel for
> the minutes.  I have a terrible memory for some things, and rules are one of
> them.  I always have to look them up.
> Barbara

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