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Re: RC: Do you realize?

In a message dated 6/16/99 5:26:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Done it twice in the past three years and both times the rider finished
 top ten. But don't call next year.  I'm going to be riding the OD
 cavalry in 2000 and the riders I've crewed for the passed couple years
 are welcome to ride cavalry with me!!!!!!!!  The true challenge - the OD
 without any outside help.
 Truman  >>

Yep although, my horse did better going Calvary.  Coujur just cruised on.  I 
don't eat much during a ride, so that works out fine.  You have to have a 
horse that doesn't require a lot to get them down.  Jeannie Waldron's horse 
stayed in the same spot and picked, and she looked wonderful afterward.

Nina (I doubt Carlos and Jerry will go solo with you next year)

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