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non refundable entry fees

 Hi All,
Sorry to post a gripe here but I just found out that I probably won't get a
refund from the ride I was planing to attend last weekend. They cashed the
check as soon as they received it! Never had that happen before in the 7
years I've been going to Endurance Rides. Has anyone ever had that happen to
them? Do any of you Ride Managers out there do this? I did call as soon as I
found out that I wouldn't be going. (3 days before the ride) The lady I
talked to said that was too late! Shame on my Mom for deciding to visit me
from out of town!<g> Is there anything I can do? BTW it was the "Ride The
High Country Ride" put on by Al-Marah Arabians.

Lori Cox
PS I am still waiting to hear back from Howard Shenk so MAYBE I won't have
to hurt anyone!

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