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Ray Hunt Clinic

Title: Ray Hunt Clinic

I have a 4 year old gelding that I raised from a baby.  I left him alone in

the pasture to mature and growth plates to fuse-- or whatever they do.  He

is really built nice and I have high hopes of him being my 50 miler-- as I

am still an LD rider at present.   Anyway, this past week, I took him to

Ray Hunt's Colt Starting Clinic in Austin, TX because I am ready to start

riding him.  I refused to send him off to a trainer to have God knows what

done to him. So, off I went to Austin.  Before I sent in my money, I asked

if Mr. Hunt did Arabs.  I was told by the clinic host that to Ray a horse

is a horse, breed does not matter.  I didn't know what I was getting into.

I surely did not want an old cowboy to rodeo him and beat him into

submission.   But I have read good things about Ray's Clinic.

Needlesstosay, Ray was very gentle with all of the horses. He worked with

all of the horses and riders.  He answered questions and was very

supportive.  He knew when they were ready to be mounted.  I was scared to

death when Ray told me to get on him.  I just knew he was going to freak

out.  I hesitated, and Ray said, "Its OK little lady, he ain't gonna do

nuthing"  I mounted and sure enough, he was fine.   In 4 days, my horse

walks, trots, canters, turns and backs, ----willingly, he wants to please.

I love this horse dearly and I am so proud of him.  We have a long way to

go, but he has got a good start!!!!! It was truly a unique experience.  I

actually participated in getting him started.    I learned not to say

"Breaking"  as Ray says he has never ridden a broke horse.  His horses are

"Started".  I was the first person on my horse's back.   I can't wait to

attend Ray's Horsemanship Clinic.  I enjoyed it and learned alot!

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