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Re: RC: Dinner Fees

Back when there was a crewable Tevis vet check at Michigan Bluff, the
local swim club (I think it was a swim club!) cooked great burgers on
Alice Halls front porch, and did quite well with it. They were
reportedly fantastic burgers.

There was a hamburger stand at Bath Road last year, and I think it was
the same group that manned it.

I think Linda Flemmers point is very valid - if you want to try this,
make sure the club knows what they're getting into!

Linda, Gilroy

> Hey guys,
>         I've been listening to ya'll discuss dinner fees and it occurred to me
> that perhaps a concession stand would be neat.  The local Boy Scouts or
> some club could bring their concession stand and cook hamburgers, whatever,
> and make money for their club.  Maybe just have a stand with volunteers to
> make a little extra money for the Ride Manager?  (from what I understand
> they are lucky to break even)  Seems to me this would be the perfect
> solution, the food would be there if you want it and you could say that in
> the Ride Entry.  What do ya'll think?
> Rachael & Sunny & Cien
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