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Re: another saddle pad ?? plus saddle ??

Hi Heidi,

I would check the tree on this saddle - trees do sometimes break.  
I had a reminder myself this weekend that when a horse is suddenly
throwing a fit there is usually a good reason.  I had untied my "haunch
heater" during a brief hail storm and did not re-tie it when the storm
quit and we went on.  Grey started crow-hopping like something was goosing
him and after a eliminating a couple of other possibilities - realized
that the haunch heater, including the snap I have for fastening the under
tail strap was working under his saddle pad - ouch.  

I have an older (no-name brand) endurance saddle, seemed to fit my
horse for over a year now. goes well in it, no sores, no dry spots.
The last time I rode, he didn't want to go, walk, or race out from
under me. Got off, completely untacked, checked blanket, nothing.
retacked, same problem. After we got home, he had two small dime sized
sores on wither area. never happened before, no change in pad, HELP! >>>>>


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