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Re: Insurance - Most Definitely!

Maybe if everyone shows an interest by e-mailing Doyle with your
comments we might be able to get ths together for ourselves.  

Joe D.


---- Begin included message ----
You can email your suggestion to Doyle Pactrick,  AERC 
executive director -


-----Original Message-----
From: Synod of Orthodox Bishops Wstn Rite <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, August 13, 1998 9:12 PM
Subject: Re: Insurance - Most Definitely!

I don't know but is there somebody out there who knows what to do and
who to contact to get a group rate insurance going thru the AERC?
Something that would include mortaility and health and loss of use for
use and function listed on the application.  I don't know much about
this....just some ideas.  

Joe D.


---- End included message ----

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