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Tevis Rider List Update

The list of riders as of June 23 is now available at,

19 States and 3 countries are represented.  Entries are up 7% from last
year exactly 46 days before the Ride and cancellations are down 50% from
last year ... we have some serious entrants.  We know a lot more are
planning to enter.  When the Ride limit of 250 is reached, further entries will
be held on a waiting list. 

Don't be disappointed.  If you plan to "Ride, Really Ride" this year, it's time
to get movin'...

/richard, Tevis WebGuy

    Natalie's Barn & Breakfast -- a B&B for Horses ...and their Riders  530-637-4644 or Toll Free: 1-877-NATBARN
   Also, visit the Official Tevis Cup Site,
*and* the WS100 Run Site,

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