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spongeing at camp

>Dee is absolutely correct.  That rule is putting all the horses at risk.
>All the CTR in FL not only allow sponging they put out water for it at all
>stops and a few other places along the trail.

Dee, Truman, I have read posts from both of you for more than a year since I started
following ridecamp, and I have a lot of respect for what you both have had to say.  This
time, however, you spoke way to quickly and way too loudly about something that you
didnt read closely enough.  I have been to several of the UMECRA CTR's that Becke
is talking about and am also planning to ride this one (only a shorter distance than she

She said you can't sponge IN CAMP.  You CAN SPONGE anywhere else.  Michigan has A LOT
of "natural water".  Probably a lot more than you are used to seeing.  Futhermore, at all the rides
I have been to, ride management has made sure by putting out water and/or telling all riders
where the water is.  As far as talking to ride management,  Becke is part of ride management
for this ride.  I think she was just trying to elaborate parameters that might influence the technical
problem of how to dose electrolytes, in case that influenced what you might tell her in a technical

The point of the CTR rules is obviously not to hurt horses.  No more than is that the point
of endurance riding as I have occasionally heard non-distance riders imply.  The point of
the CTR rules seems to be "lost in antiquity" somehow.  I believe Louise Riedel posted 
a while ago that these rides have more than a 25 year history.  I think the point is to test all 
horses the same way and under the same conditions, and to make it sort of like "riding cavalry"
in an endurance ride.  These CTR's just aren't supposed to be a contest in who has the most
crew people or biggest fleet of trucks to keep the horse going faster.  In stead of trucking in
water for cooling horses, you are supposed to keep them cool under the "natural conditions"
of the ride.  You are damned well still responsible, as the rider, to not hurt your horse.  If you
cant make the time window under the prevailing conditions ... you just dont make the window.

CTR bashing does not increase anyone's respect for endurance people nor does it help the
sport of distance riding for anyone.

So get off it with the inflamatory rhetoric. 


Like I said I have a lot of respect for both of you and I really want to keep it that way.

Glenn Foster
SE Michigan

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