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Re: Carbs - only part of the picture
In a message dated 98-06-23 13:07:48 EDT, truman.prevatt@netsrq.com writes:
<< I saw this and about passed out. How much grain do other people feed?
Even when my horses are working their hardest they don't get more than 6
pounds of feed a day, with maybe up to a pound of rice brand added. The
feed is not pure grain but a beet pulp based sweet feed - 6% fat. Misty
is 16 - 2 and Jordy is 15 -3 and neither has every had trouble kepping on
weight. They are on grass 22 hours a day with grass hay supplemented in
the winter. The guys that are not working get barley any feed in the
summer when the grass is good.
What do other people do? >>
I've never had a racehorse, Thoroughbred or Standardbred, that did interval
training well on less than 16 lbs of COB or sweet feed/day. Plus free choice
timothy. Stanerra, who won the Japan Cup, at more than 25 lbs of grain per
day. Several other horses have used that much grain. I have some 700 trainers
that are customers and I don't think any of them feed less than 12-14 lbs.
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