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Re: Heat & Humitity
In a message dated 98-06-23 06:59:31 EDT, you write:
> I'm getting ready for a 50 mile this weekend (OK its competitive but it is
> the
> real endurance because we will endure for 9 hours). Michigan is having a
> really hot week. We'll be in the 90's with possible rain, i.e. humid.
Hi Becke~
I'm getting ready to visit my mom in Farmington Hills, MI this weekend. Is
your ride any were near there?
Down here in FL I give my horse one ounce of electrolytes (1 part salt, 1 part
lite salt & 1 part dolomite) in his feed the night before and the morning of
the ride. During the ride (if he is drinking well) he will get one ounce of
electrolytes and one ounce of powdered orange Gatorade in 1-2 liters of water
at each vet check. He is very fond of this mixture and drinks it up eagerly.
If he has not been drinking well, I will give him the Gatorade and water alone
to get him started drinking. Of course, it goes without saying that I give
him as much plain water to drink as he will take and sponge him freely.
He gets his Gatorade/electrolyte mixture after every training ride. So this
is not new to him and he actually looks forward to it.
I agree with Deena that it is crazy to not be able to sponge in camp.
> I was planning on double electroliting during the
> ride. Some riders say to use 3x the eletrolites.
If your horse is not drinking well this would be a bad idea. You will get him
in electrolyte imbalance and then you will really have problems.
Good luck at the ride and see if you can get ride management to change that
sponging in camp rule.
~Nora & Tucker
Ocoee, FL
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