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Re: Stopped Sweating
Hi Randy...you wrote:
< This past week my friend's horse quit sweating for unknown reasons.
Sorry to hear about your friend's horse. My horse did the same last year. I
have gone to the vet for this info.....first I tried a chinese herb called
Calm Spirit. I mixed 6 tablets (ground up in a coffee bean grinder) with two
teaspoons of baby food (my horse likes peaches or carrots) and administered it
through a cut-off syringe. It worked somewhat, but not with the results that
I wanted (I got sweat on the face, chest and neck).
I went back to the vet and they ordered Work Formula (I think the vet said it
came out of Oklahoma). It took about 4 days, now I have sweat all over his
body....But I'm not riding him.
DON"T give electrolyes. According to the vet, if a horse doesn't sweat, the
salts in the electrolyes will make the horse swell up and cause more problems.
After thinking about what happened to my horse, it was very warm, with very
high humidity (Texas gulf coast) and the horse didn't have access to drinking
water. He was sweating profusely just standing. Then only sweat under the
saddle. I guess the 150 rule for riding holds.
Hope this helps. Kaaren
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