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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Equitana is NOT what it appears to be.
The organizers are NOT fair to their vendors. Vendors pay 4-6 times the "normal"
to exhibit there and Equitana does not have many "repeats". Many booth spaces
remain unsold and are "redocorated" so no one will notice.
BUT, it IS good to hear that at least the attendees are happy. Now, if they could
REALLY get their act together. (THey don't even give the vendors a pass to the
"Main Event"). PLUS, they go head to head with the Festival of Champions at the
USET headquarters in Gladstone, NJ. Next year they go head to head with the Old
Dominion. Need I say where I will be next year?
ZANYKFC@aol.com wrote:
> It looks like I'm the first to report on Equitana held in Louisville, Ky this
> year. Only went for Thursday and Friday...next year it's going to be for four
> days. There was so much to see, so many seminars and demonstrations to go to,
> two days was definately not enough time. All disiplines of training and
> riding are well represented, all kinds of horse related products, and
> alternative methods of training and health care for the horse are present.
> And the vendors...my goodness, I thought I had died and gone to horse heaven.
> More to come as soon as I come down from the high...I'm sure on Monday there
> is going to be a whole slew of comments. The Equitana organizers do a
> wonderful job...even down to the mail center to mail things home instead of
> hauling 26 pounds of info and purchases on the plane.
> Kaaren, Houston, TX
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