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Hay Blends

Help!  Some days I think that my mind has been scrambled by all this
endurance riding!  I leased two farms this summer and am now in the process
of baling 700 tons of hay--something that certainly interfers with riding!
(This also means that I have plenty of room for traveling Ridecampers on
their way through central Utah).

A lot of the hay is destined for dairy cattle as it is premium alfalfa with
high protein levels.  BUT I am determined to blend it with some of the grass
we have here to create "endurance hay" or as close as we can come given the
fact that most hay in Utah and in the intermountain west is alfalfa.

I particularly decided to try this because the Agricultural Agent just
certified the hay and said it was the only certifiable hay in our area so
far this summer. Soooo, all you feed experts, what can I do to premium
alfalfa hay to make it good endurance food.  If something interesting can be
done, we are willing to try it and export the end result.


Joane and the Herd (which now includes not only horses but cows)

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