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horses rubbing

You wrote:

From: Softrider Saddles <>

Treat the horse that wants to rub on you the same way that you treat one
that wants to bite.

I do not in any way profess to be a trainer, but I would never consider
doing the same thing to my horse for rubbing on me as I would if she
were trying to bite me.
No Way.

` | \____\\
 _(      ) \    Charlene Bartholomae
 \-\~~~_|\  \     Department of Pathology
 `  \ `   \  `       Tulane Regional Primate Research Center
                               18703  Three Rivers Road.
    `     `            Covington, Louisiana  70433
                          e-mail:    (504)892-2040 Ext 243
                          home phone (504)748-4377

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