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Re: Arabian pedigree info
Please respond to Cathy's questions on RC. I'm very interested in
responses to her GPS question.
Cindy Eyler
At 07:02 PM 6/11/98 EDT, CATUNDERWD@aol.com wrote:
>I have two questions that are not directly endurance related so please
>1. I have an arabian mare that I have started conditioning and a number of
>people have inquired about her ancestry (Egyptian, Polish, etc.). I have no
>idea since none of the names on her papers are familiar to me, but now I'm
>kind of curious. Does anyone know how I can research her background?
>2. I am SDC (severly directionally challenged) and have decided to invest in
>a GPS. I don't need anything fancy, but would like to find my way home and
>have a fairly accurate idea of the speed and distance I've traveled. I would
>appreciate hearing what model would suffice from anyone who is experienced
>with them.
>Again, please e-mail me privately.
>Cathy Underwood
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