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"ENDURANCE" & something to think about
Hi Everyone ...
I am sort of a lurker here on this forum. Been around horses my whole
life and love learning from the horse forums that I have subscribed to.
I have been reading the "great endurance debate" with interest and I
thought I would share some things with everyone.
Recently we heard that the State of NJ is thinking of lowering the
standards for the President's Physical Fitness Award being given out in
our schools. The reasons: well, not enough children these days seem to
be able to "achieve" the set levels. Society now believes that we need
to "lower" our standards so "more children" feel good about themselves.
We no longer feel children should work harder towards the wonderful goal
of "achieving" that "reward".
Example #2 is our schools in NJ have lowered the grade point passing
average to 62. Why: because not enough children seem to be able to
achieve a "70" anymore, so why not lower the passing grade so more of
our children make it through school.
There are many other points of reference here, but my point is: when we
set a goal in our lives, it gives us something to strive and reach for.
If we start with five miles, and work to ten miles, and work to twenty
miles, and so on ... we are reaching for our goals. What we are doing,
even with one mile is working towards a goal and a reward, and just
'trying' makes you a winner. I don't think anyone feels that each and
every one of us are not working towards a wonderful experience with our
horses and in our lives, whether we ride one mile or l00! However,
endurance riders have my utmost respect, since they have worked
themselves and their horses towards that goal, and have paved the way
for the rest of us wanting to 'endure' longer hours in the saddle.
Heck, I feel like an endurance rider when I go more than 3 miles with my
TB in the saddle, no less l00!! Does that make me an endurance rider
... not really. My TB jumped over a downed tree the other day and I
almost fell off; does that make me a jumper because I stayed on ... not
Give credit where credit is due. To those of you who have reached the
top, you deserve our respect and admiration. To those of us who have
just started, you deserve our respect and admiration. To those of you
in the middle, you deserve our respect and admiration.
There is always a beginning, a middle and an ending! The best part of
riding is the story can get played over and over again, with the same
happy ending! Finishing our day with healthy horses and healthy selves.
And hey, it could be worse, we could all be couch potatos on the
internet fighting over the last episode of Seinfeld (Seinfeld, who??...
never did see an episode of his ....!!!)
Hope this made some sense.
Happy Trails Everyone!!!
With Blessings,
Annie K
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