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Re: ridecamp-d Digest V98 #464

Hi everyone,

I'm a relative newcomer to ridecamp, and so haven't been privy to all the
previous discussions about limited distance riding.  I have to agree with
Joe Long that, proud as one might be of finishing one's first 25 mile ride,
that still shouldn't confer the title of endurance rider- especially as the
term endurance is so specifically defined as being 50 miles or more.

I, however, am mightily grateful for the 25 mile offerings.  Having a
non-Arab, and many of the limitations discussed previously, to finish 25
miles in good shape would be a wonderful accomplishment.  I think that if
everyone had to start at 50 miles, a lot fewer would get started.  "Good!"
some might say- but there is so much to be learned in the world of
endurance riding (and CTRs), in the best way to care for a horse, that the
education to the rider is perhaps the greatest benefit of the sport.

Vocabulary often gets us into trouble.  I have a friend who is in training
for endurance, but has not yet completed a 50 miler.  I call her a
"distance rider".  This distinguishes her from the riders who ride in the
ring much of the time, with the occasional hour-long foray out on the
trail- but she is not an "endurance rider"- not yet. She's placed at CTRs
and 25 milers, and I think has earned the title of distance rider.  But
she's not in the category of those who have made it to the 50 mile mark-
never mind the 100 milers!

I think there is great cause for concern if the 25 milers turn into an all
out race, though, to the detriment of the horses.  Can the vet checks and
enforced stops not curtail this somehow?  Vet checks closer to the end of
the ride, so you're not going all out for too long?  Or should the
placements in 25 milers be eliminated- you get a completion award, and a BC
is awarded- but no placements?  This might serve two purposes- slow the
hot-rodders down (no impetus for coming in first), and inspire those who
really should be doing the 50s, but who just like winning the 25s, to move
up.  I do worry that this might make it a little too much like a CTR- but
as there are no "obstacles", or horsemanship judging, I think it is still
different enough to be considered pure "distance riding."

Forgive me if this has all been discussed before.  I did go to the
archives, but as you can't enter a subject, sifting through all the past
years of discussion to find what's already been said would've taken hours-
and I'd rather spend them with the horses!  (Could a "subject" system not
be added to the archives?)

Anyway, happy trailing to everyone, however long your trail-

Allyn Brewer-Babitch
San Jose, CA

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