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Where oh where to go?
Sheila, having ridden the Rubies on XP rides, all I can say is, 10 feet
of snow, WOW!! That is such a beautiful range of mts., anyway, it must
be spectacular now. People don't connect NV with snow, but I'll never
forget a few years ago, in June, heading for an XP series out of
Schellbourne (North of Ely), I drove through 40 miles of driving snow
between Eureka and Ely -- in mid-June!! I was alone and had a
death-grip on the steering wheel over Robinson Pass. I came through OK.
Love that area!
About horse camping in Marin County, just north of San Francisco:
try Stewart Horse Camp, (415) 663-1362. That campground has showers
and is in Point Reyes National Seashore with a hundred-plus miles of
trails plus the Pacific Ocean. Then there is Devil's Gulch at S.P.
Taylor State Park, phone 1-800-444-7275 for reservations. No showers but
bathrooms and barbecues and tables, and trails that connect everywhere.
I wrote an article about Taylor Park in the March/April '98 Trail Blazer
magazine. Good luck! Cheers (;-), Connie B (CA)
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