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Maggy's article

I think I would be classified as a lurker on ridecamp, having posted
maybe twice.  Usually, when I become angered or just plain tickled by a
thread running on this list I apply my grandfathers two favorite sayings
to my reply, and hit delete.  Those two sayings were "it is better to
remain silent and be thought a fool, then to speak and remove all
doubt", the other is "never wrestle with a pig, you just get muddy and
the pig likes it too much." I interpret Maggy's article to mean if you
haven't walked the walk, perhaps you should be careful how you talk the
talk.  I don't for a moment believe She meant that unless you have
50,000  miles and are over 60 your opinion is not important.  I felt she
meant that dues paying AERC members who have served the sport in the
past and continue to serve the sport in more ways than as a rider have
knowledge and experience to share.  Technology is such a wonderful tool
for our society, but the information should be as accurate as it is
fast.  Maggy can be blunt, but how much better that is (you know where
you stand) than innuendo and politically correct dissembling.  Maggy
doesn't have 50,000 miles either, but She has certainly walked the walk,
I think we should heed the talk.  Go Maggy!

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