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Re: Yearbook
I noticed and missed the usual stories about each of our top riders, too.
Hopefully the changes in the AERC office were the reason and this policy will be
reinstated next year. Any answers to this office?
Merryben@aol.com wrote:
> Are Trilby and I the only ones who noticed that the usual articles written by
> the national champions are not in the yearbook like they used to be? Or are
> we the only ones complaining about it. It seems that since they had from the
> end of the ride year until April, some 4 months, the yearbook could have at
> least been complete. The year I won the HW division, it was great fun to see
> my stuff in the yearbook. Trilby would have liked to see her article in the
> yearbook. When you want to look up stuff about 1997 are you going to look in
> your 1998 EN. I think not....Maryben
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