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rearing & round pen work

Hi Ridecampers!!  My name is Carolyn Morris.  I have been on the list
since March and have enjoyed it tremendously.  I have learned tons about
horses from this list and I used to work in a vet clinic with an equine
vet.  I have been a lurker up till now because I have such a problem
with dehydration myself in heat and humidity that I am pretty limited in
the hot weather.  So I figured that endurance riding was out for me and
I live in E. NE.  Not much endurance here.  The thread on human
electrolytes has given me new light though.  I am going to see if I can
find any of the products mentioned.  The reason for my message is I am
interested also in teaching a 1& 1/2 yo filly to stop rearing and
striking out whenever I "try" to introduce anything new to her.  I know
this is not directly endurance related, but if I were to  ever use her
on trails I don't want a big problem on the trail.  She needs to learn
to accept things without all the fighting and boy can she put up a
fight.  I understand that this needs to be addressed in training before
going to a ride.  Right now she needs to learn some respect!!!!!!!!  I
want to break her of this before it is time to start her under saddle in
about a year.  Thanks in advance for any help.
Carolyn from NE

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