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Re: Heartrate Threshold
Hello Frank
My guess is that something is loose to cause those extremely high
readings. I have seen that happen and
tightening my girth, cleaning the tips of the wires that plug into the
electrodes, using more gel, duct-taping the snaps of the leads onto the
transmitter, etc. fixed it.
When everything is right I have trouble with getting the heart rate up as
high as 200 on the biggest mountain climbs with several different fit
endurance horses. Even at a wide open gallop I cannot get the
heart rate to stay much above 180-190 for very long at all. Most Arabs
are anaerobic well below this rate and cannot go for long in that state.
Dave Bennett
Chickamauga, Georgia
email: benamil@juno.com
On Tue, 12 May 1998 17:10:55 +0200 fmechelh@c-s-k.de writes:
>> A heartrate of 240 is generally considered to be approaching
>fibrillation in
>> the horse. I think you're getting a bad reading. Thoroughbreds race
>in record
>> time with heartrates in the 216 to 222 range.
>> ti
>Are you sure, Tom ?
>With my horse Ligeira, a partbred arab, I read a 235-238 max. on hills
>over the
>years, when she gives 100% (a screaming fast horse and has a heart and
>fights like
>a lion).
>My younger horse, Natasha, I stopped her recently around 212-215 for
>some hundred
>yards on my long hill, and I feel she was about 90-95% of her WORKmax,
>so I
>suggest her HRmax. is not far below 235. All these measurements looked
>stable (HRM model: V-MAX EHRM basic). Of course they can be inaccurate
>nevertheless, but I never had unreasonable readings such as >250.
>I suggest there are some elite athletes out there with a HRmax. of
>+-240. Other
>experiences ?
>regards from old Europe
>Frank Mechelhoff (Germany)
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